What gives you the right...
What gives you the right to tell people how they should behave?
I’ll tell you in a second, but first, let’s get one thing straight:
Make no mistake, this is the business that we are in. We tell people how they should be behaving. You can call it something else if you want… “coaching,” “consulting,” “teaching,” whatever. It makes no difference to me what you call it.
You can pretend you’re doing it with calibrated questions, empathy, and helping people come to their own realizations/conclusions, but who the fuck are you kidding?
Not me.
But not to worry — it can be our little secret.
Now, what gives you the right to tell people how to behave?
Patience, darlin’… patience.
Before we get there, I’ll tell you what DOES NOT give you the right:
❌ Credentials, qualifications, degrees, or your resume.
So if you don’t got ‘em, you can breathe a sign of relief. No one gives a damn about those things. They’re just not persuasive.
And if you do got ‘em, you have to be careful not to be overly dependent on them.
Finally, here’s what does give you the right to people how to behave:
✅ Your story.
More specifically, the story you tell.
So get to telling it.
It works.