Yeah, how about don’t. Don’t “write about” things. Just write. Say something. Take a stand. Argue a position. Connect to a conversation.
Faux experts “write about” things to show their audience how much they know about a topic.
Fuck topics.
Focus on puzzling problems and intriguing questions. Start there. Write the damn question first and then get to work answering it. Take a strong position and see where it takes you.
If you can’t answer it, cool. Your uncertainty is interesting. If your audience disagrees or they’re skeptical of your position, cool. That’s way better than walking a straight line down a comfortable path.
I know there is more to be said about this, but I have to think.
For now, just fucking say something and figure out if you can support it.
Like I’m doing in this damn email.
Take a fucking stand, man.
Risky/tentative claims and genuinely puzzing problems.
Unless, of course, you’re cool with being boring and sending emails that never get opened.
Knowledge is about more than just the acquisition of “correct” information from authorities.
You’re better than that.
I’m starting to think I’m not taking a stand enough. I noticed that the email replies I’ve been receiving have been a lot of: love what you’re doing! & amazing work etc. it makes me think that either I don’t have the right people in my email list, or I’m not bringing up the shit that actually gets people thinking. 🤔