I reactivated my Instagram account 4 days ago. I haven’t posted anything yet.
Who even am I?
I’ve wanted to post things. A lot of things, in fact. I have ideas for posts. I’ve even been “inspired.”
But I said I wasn’t going to post anything on Instagram on any given day until I sent my email.
And if you haven’t noticed, my emails have been going out late — at the end of my work day.
Something cool happened on Monday. An huge opportunity presented itself. It’s what prompted this move back to California.
I started packing that night, and it’s taken me a few days to get everything done.
So I’ve been distracted with less time to focus on my work.
Instagram posts are easy for me. Writing these emails is more difficult.
I have considered breaking my commitment. What’s the worst that can happen?
“Maybe if I just post something on IG, it’ll give me an idea for an email,” I tell myself.
But god dammit, I said I wouldn’t do that.
I created this policy for myself — to stay off of IG until I get my email done.
I made this plan based on evidence of how things have gone for me in the past. I lost days dealing with comments, consumed by conversations that were doing nothing to build my business.
I need the discipline to stick with this new plan long enough to evaluate whether or not it’s going to get me where I want to go.
If I bail and go back to doing things the way I used to do them, I’ll get the same damn results I got before.
I left Chicago last night with two suitcases.
I’m in San Diego now and getting back into the swing of things.
So, now that I’ve sent my email, I’m going to get active on Instagram today.
I’ll start with an AMA — for email subscribers only.
You’re invited.
I'm going to make a rule for myself, I can't go on instagram until I have worked on a new skill for my looping (for now it shall be beatboxing).