Yesterday, I embedded a video in my email. It was a response to a question from the AMA I did in my IG stories.
Someone asked how it felt to watch my old content after reactivating my account.
The short version:
It sucked. I was convinced I was having “fun” last year, but in most of the videos I watched, when I looked at my eyes — I saw pain. Not joy. I didn’t see a guy having fun.
The first sentence I wrote the morning I reactivated:
I’m nervous. I don’t think I’m gonna like what I see.
So, yeah. My nerves were correct.
Fast forward to a couple of days ago, I posted this series of videos in my Stories:
When I watch these back, I can see the joy in my eyes. This is the experience I want to have when I use Instagram.
That’s all.
I’m turning my account off again tonight, but when I come back next time, I’ll do it in way that makes me wanna stay.
So, what's the solution? Just stay in your room until you're in a good mood? There must be a cost to that too.