I’m gonna make one of those big grid posts that cover the span of 3 rows. Kinda like this:
On the receiving end, it can be annoying to see a flood of broken images. But I think I can do it in a way that doesn’t blow out the feed.
If I make the posts and “archive” them immediately, then go back in a week to unarchive them, they shouldn’t even appear in your feed.
They’ll just be there on my page.
Why would I do this?
Two reasons.
The grand gesture and public declaration will help me stay focused on the right things when I come back to the platform.
No more fucking around.
Every post I make “above the line” is there for the right reason. It’s purpose is to move you, me, and my business forward.
The second reason is not nearly as important, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a thing.
When I’m active on IG, I get a surprising amount of engagement on my old stuff.
People scroll way, way, way down. It isn’t uncommon for them to share and comment on posts from 5-6 years ago.
So I might feel better if I make it clear that things are different now.
It isn’t that I’m not proud of the work I’ve done — or even that I’m embarrassed by it. (Maybe a little — about some — from last year, especially)
But it feels like a new chapter of my life and I want to make a clear distinction.
“Below this line, usually unfocused. Above this line, unusually focused.”
I’m looking forward to getting active again.
See you back there tomorrow (after I send out my email).
It's so frustrating when people try to hold me to arbitrary standards they invented based on what they see me post. Like, why should I be accountable for something I posted yesterday? I was a different person yesterday.
This is the kind of thing you write about that gets me thinking about other ways to do things. For instance… I’ve been a yoga teacher with a studio for 15 years and over the past few years It’s changed for me personally… yet I feel limited by supporting this consistent thing I’ve created for everyone else. (Nobody likes change but me) 🙄. But maybe now I could look at it differently and make a fun distinction as we evolve the studio into something more… instead of thinking of it as a limit… more of a foundation. Yes I still believe in what I started… but I’ve grown. Grow with me. Like you’re doing for us here