It's so frustrating when people try to hold me to arbitrary standards they invented based on what they see me post. Like, why should I be accountable for something I posted yesterday? I was a different person yesterday.

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Valid point. I totally get it. This move is primarily for me, but also — I’m not using social media the same way I used to use it anymore. I want customers and clients so I’m gonna act like it.

(I don’t disagree with you — like, at all.)

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This is the kind of thing you write about that gets me thinking about other ways to do things. For instance… I’ve been a yoga teacher with a studio for 15 years and over the past few years It’s changed for me personally… yet I feel limited by supporting this consistent thing I’ve created for everyone else. (Nobody likes change but me) 🙄. But maybe now I could look at it differently and make a fun distinction as we evolve the studio into something more… instead of thinking of it as a limit… more of a foundation. Yes I still believe in what I started… but I’ve grown. Grow with me. Like you’re doing for us here

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This is fucking rad. Thanks, Suzanne. I wrote this yesterday, but I decided to hold onto it because I couldn't decide if it was lame or not. Like, if I should just do what I said was gonna do [in the email] -- or talk about it first. Something made me hesitate.

But now i'm definitely glad I just went ahead and sent it. It's super cool hearing about an insight that hadn't even occurred me that one could have.

I think you might have given me a few more ideas about how to think about this sort of thing moving forward.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And I'm looking forward to talking more about it tomorrow on the phone.

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