Check this out. My friend Dani replied to the fuck “writing about” things email I sent the other day. She said:
I’m starting to think I’m not taking a stand enough. I noticed that the email replies I’ve been receiving have been a lot of: “love what you’re doing!” & “amazing work” etc. It makes me think that either I don’t have the right people in my email list, or I’m not bringing up the shit that actually gets people thinking. 🤔
I offered to help her figure out how solve this problem.
This is a couple of excerpts from that call.
I suggest sticking around until at least 6 mins, 50 seconds — it’s my favorite way to handle an insult…
Don’t defend yourself. Double down, babycakes.
PS - she did what she said she was gonna do. She wrote the damn email. Here it is:
I’m the best copycat & here’s how I do it
PPS - listen to the audio clip to hear how it took shape
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